Horatio the Cat lives with his wife, Sofia, and their kittens, Eddie and Mary, in the attic of a majestic old concert hall. Jimmy the Janitor lives in the basement, and he spends his days taking care of the concert hall. Every morning Jimmy brings the little family a big bowl of milk and special treats to eat. As he works keeping the concert hall clean and tidy, Jimmy loves listening to the kittens playing among the old musical instruments in the attic.

Now that huge movie theaters and shopping malls have been built across town, only a few people come to hear the orchestra’s Friday evening performances. So the grumpy landlords have decided to tear down the concert hall and replace it with a parking lot.

However, they may change their minds if all the seats are filled with people for the last performance.

Horatio and his family take up the challenge, and the courageous kittens come up with a last-minute plan to save the concert hall and Jimmy’s home. Will their efforts be rewarded? Turn the pages and find out.
The Concert Hall Cats
Beautiful Tree Publishers, Inc.    |    293 Route 100    |   Suite 210   |    Somers, NY 10589   |   Tel: 914-276-2747

© Beautiful Tree Publishers, Inc., 2015. All rights reserved.

We hope The Concert Hall Cats will inspire everyone to embrace the arts, live musical performances, and historic buildings by supporting their local theaters, museums, landmark societies, and historical preservation efforts. 

We hope this book reminds us to take care of all animals, because in their own special way animals take care of us.

Ages 5 to Adult

$16.95 + tax and s+h
ISBN: 978-0985541774
Beautiful Tree Publishers' latest picture book is The Concert Hall Cats by Mike & Fausta McDermott, drawings by Joe McDermott.